Mindful Writing Challenge 2013

It is a new year. A time to reflect on the year that has passed and to think about the year ahead. Many of us will make resolutions. Many of us will break those resolutions. But regardless of how well we succeed, setting new goals and thinking about what is important is a useful exercise.


One of my resolutions for 2013 is to write more. Another is to resurrect this long-neglected blog.  As I was thinking about how this could best be achieved (knowing that I am full of good ideas but not so good with the discipline of maintaining them) I came across a really interesting writing challenge for January.


The challenge is to notice something every day, really paying attention to it, and then to write about it. I like the idea of paying attention, of being more mindful, of being aware of the world around me, and my inner landscape. My hope is that if I can do this every day in January the habit will stick and I can keep on with one of my hopes, which was to write a poem each day, a sort of poetic diary.


But that is for later. For January all I have to do is to commit to paying attention and to writing something every day. The organisers of the challenge refer to these as “small stones” which is a lovely image. For more information on the challenge see http://www.writingourwayhome.com/p/river-jan-12.html


Perhaps some of you will join in this challenge. My aim is to post the small stones that I write here, and hopefully a few other entries as well. Watch this space…